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Home » Global Woodchip Market Outlook and Vietnam’s Woodchips Export Price Trend Updated to July 2024

Global Woodchip Market Outlook and Vietnam’s Woodchips Export Price Trend Updated to July 2024

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The global woodchip market is expected to see continued growth in 2024, driven by several key factors:

Rising Demand:

  • Wood Processing Industries: The increasing demand for pulp, paper, and engineered wood products like particleboard and MDF will drive up demand for woodchips as a primary raw material.
  • Construction and Packaging: Growing construction activity, particularly in developing economies, will lead to increased use of woodchips in construction materials like oriented strand board (OSB) and packaging applications.

Regional Demand:

  • Asia: The Asia Pacific region is expected to be a major growth driver, with China, Japan, and South Korea leading the demand for woodchips due to their booming construction and furniture industries.
  • North America: Rising construction and renovation activity in the US and Canada will contribute to increased woodchip consumption.
  • Europe: Moderate growth is expected in Europe, fueled by demand for furniture and wooden flooring.

Supply and Price:

  • Limited Supply: Concerns about forest resource depletion and stricter environmental regulations could limit woodchip supply, potentially pushing prices up.
  • Rising Production Costs: Increases in raw material prices, transportation costs, and labor costs could also lead to higher woodchip production costs.

However, some risks could impact the market:

  • Economic Downturn: A global recession could dampen demand for wood-based products, impacting woodchip prices.
  • Trade Tensions: Trade disputes between countries could disrupt woodchip trade flows and affect prices.
  • Currency Fluctuations: Fluctuations in exchange rates could impact the profitability of woodchip exporting companies.

Overall Outlook:

The global woodchip market outlook for 2024 appears positive, with rising demand and potentially stable or slightly
increasing prices. However, Vietnamese woodchip exporters need to be aware of potential risks and develop strategies
to mitigate them.

Vietnam’s Woodchips Export Price Trend :

Market Overview:

  • Global demand for woodchips is surging, particularly in China, Japan, South Korea, and Europe.
  • Woodchips supply is still not meeting demand, pushing up woodchips prices.
  • Production, transportation, and logistics costs are rising due to inflation and exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Demand in the paper, wood pellets and other wood processing industries continues to grow.
  • The war in Ukraine has disrupted global timber supplies and logistics chains, which could further impact woodchips prices.
  • The Chinese government has implemented stricter environmental regulations on its wood processing industry,
  • which could lead to increased demand for imported woodchips , wood pellets from Vietnam.

Woodchips Export Price Trend for Vietnam in 2024:

Woodchips prices may continue to rise slightly:

  • Due to limited supply and high demand.
  • Increased production and logistics costs.
  • Product quality is more emphasized:
  • High demand for high-quality, consistent, and sustainable plywood.
  • Enterprises need to invest in technology and quality control processes.

Market competition is fiercer:

  • Other woodchips exporting countries such as Brazil, Indonesia, and Malaysia are increasing competition.
  • Vietnamese enterprises need to improve their competitiveness in terms of quality, price, and customer service.


  • Woodchips export prices from Vietnam are expected to rise slightly in 2024.
  • Enterprises need to focus on improving product quality and competitiveness.
  • This is an opportunity for the Vietnamese wood industry to develop and affirm its international position.
